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Diary from Dixie by Chesnut, Mary Boykin Miller... ISBN: 9781177810647 List Price: $37.75
Heaven, Home and Happiness by Dickinson, Mary Lowe, Avary... ISBN: 9781166617752 List Price: $27.96
Joel Chandler Harris and His Home : A Sketch (1913) by Avary, Myrta Lockett ISBN: 9781165521296 List Price: $12.76
Recollections of Alexander H Stephens : His Diary Kept When A Prisoner at Fort Warren, Bosto... by Stephens, Alexander H., Ava... ISBN: 9781163639559 List Price: $35.16
Recollections of Alexander H Stephens : His Diary Kept When A Prisoner at Fort Warren, Bosto... by Stephens, Alexander H., Ava... ISBN: 9781163691571 List Price: $47.16
Diary from Dixie : As Written by Mary Boykin Chesnut, Wife of James Chesnut, Jr. , United St... by Chesnut, Mary Boykin Miller... ISBN: 9781164202219 List Price: $31.16
Recollections of Alexander H Stephens : His Diary Kept When A Prisoner at Fort Warren, Bosto... by Avary, Myrta Lockett ISBN: 9781164459422 List Price: $47.16
Ladies of the South: Recollections of the American Civil War by Two Ladies of the Confederacy by Mary a. H. Gay, Myrta Locke... ISBN: 9781782821267 List Price: $31.99
Recollections of Alexander H. Stephens : His Diary Kept When a Prisoner at Fort Warren, Bost... by Stephens, Alexander, Avary,... ISBN: 9781478203629 List Price: $17.50
Virginia Girl in the Civil War, 1861-1865 : Being a Record of the Actual Experiences of the ... by Avary, Myrta, Avary, Myrta,... ISBN: 9781478322672 List Price: $22.99
Virginia Girl in the Civil War, 1861-1865 : Being a Record of the Actual Experiences of the ... by Avary, Myrta Lockett, Avary... ISBN: 9781478335917 List Price: $22.95
Dixie after the War... by Avary, Myrta Lockett ISBN: 9781272631475 List Price: $39.75
Recollections by Alexander Hamilton Stephens... ISBN: 9785518986114 List Price: $44.95
A Virginia Girl in the Civil War 1861-1865: Being a Record of the Actual Experieriences: of ... by Officer, The Wife of A. Con... ISBN: 9781535049429 List Price: $9.99
Dixie After the War by Myrta [from old catalog] Avary ISBN: 9781296749071 List Price: $29.95
A Diary From Dixie, as Written by Mary Boykin Chesnut, Wife of James Chesnut, jr., United St... by Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut,... ISBN: 9781296790400 List Price: $29.95
A Virginia Girl In The Civil War CIVIL 1861-1865 by Avary, Myrta, Ms Myrta Lock... ISBN: 9781533350695 List Price: $13.99
Dixie After the War; An Exposition of Social Conditions Existing in the South, During the Tw... by Avary, Myrta Lockett, Myrta... ISBN: 9781354674314 List Price: $29.95
Joel Chandler Harris and His Home: A Sketch by MacKenzie, John, Avary, Myr... ISBN: 9781354985885 List Price: $19.95
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